Help efforts to find children missing here

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 20, 2000

L’Observateur / December 20, 2000


Your support is essential for our programs to be successful.

Without your support we could not have accomplished so much in such a short time. Each year, our Missing Child Recovery Center receives hundredsof phone calls from parents of missing children, asking for assistance in their search for their missing child. Can you imagine the overwhelmingemotional distress some of these parents go through? They are drained from the constant worry about whether their missing child is dead or alive.

They are plagued with the uncertainty that they may never again see their missing child. In many cases the parents have spent most every waking hourin pursuit of finding their missing child. They have tried working with lawenforcement, the courts and counselors. In essence, they have tried everyway they can think of to find their missing child.

Have you ever lost track of your child for just a few minutes? Perhaps in a shopping mall? You became extremely distraught. You feared the worst. Thisis what the parents and families of missing children go through every day.

The Missing Child Recovery Center receives no funding from any municipal, state or federal agency; we rely solely on kind and caring people such as yourself for support. The parents of the missing child pay no costs or feesfor any of the services provided by MCRC, thanks to you and other generous and caring contributors.

The following is a partial list of services: Our professionally-trained staff assists parents in searching for their lost child.

We are constantly working to provide media attention on cases of missing children.

Upon request, we assist law enforcement agencies in their investigations of missing children.

We operate a toll-free hotline (1-800-887-7762), 24 hours a day, each and every day of the year.

We assist in ground searches, when called upon to do so.

We do extensive computer searches through our network of child-find agencies and law enforcement.

We do on-site case work.

We have the capability of providing multi-lingual translation services.

We provide public education on the issues of and prevention of missing children.

We provide counseling to the parents and siblings of missing children.

In today’s shrinking world with its ever-increasing problems, I receive great personal satisfaction in the knowledge that organization such as MCRC is doing its part for the future. You see, I believe that our children are ourfuture. By fulfilling your pledge to MCRC, I hope you too will be blessed withthe satisfaction that you have helped to make our world a safer place for children and their future.

We may be reached at P.O. Box 2567, Houma, La. 70361-2567, or call (504)881-5882.

Amy L. Samsai

President and Executive Director, MCRC


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