Keep holidays safe for us all and take care

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 9, 2000

With the holiday season hard upon us its also a proper time to consider holiday safety, both on and off the highways. The holiday season often brings parties, which come with several possible dangers, not the least of which is alcohol and other drugs. By no meansshould one allow a person to drive while intoxicated. If you host a party wheredrinking will go on provide a spot where they can sleep it off before trying to get on the road. Take away their car keys or have someone drive them home.Over-indulgence in alcohol can also lead to lowered inhibitions, so avoid arguments and confrontations with a person under the influence. Firearms have no place at holiday events. Keep your firearms safely storedand unloaded. Children exploring a strange house can sometimes find yourfirearms, and a dangerous situation is the unwelcome result. On the highways and neighborhood streets hazards abound during the holidays. Most drivers take extra caution on the highways with holidaytravelers, but neighborhood streets have their own dangers. Children darting out from behind parked cars, fireworks, drivers unfamiliar with the streets and looking for an address all can contribute to holiday hazards. Drive everywhere with extra caution.On the highways, of course, are the main dangers. Speeders, drunk driversand young, inexperienced drivers are all on the highways. Take extra care andbe sure not to contribute to the problems. Make sure all children are in the rear seat and safely secured. Child-restraintseats, besides having the child strapped inside, also need to be secured to the car seat itself. Never allow small children in the front seat or unsecuredin front or rear seats. Be careful with your holiday shopping and avoid shopping alone or burdened with too many packages. Beware of muggers and pickpockets and avoidshopping late. We can all enjoy 2001 with a little care. LObservateur