Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 6, 2000

ANNA MONICA / L’Observateur / December 6, 2000

Well, you really surprised me! How very nice that some of you took the time to write my name on a ballot that asked what you like to read in L’Observateur. Itmakes me proud and yet is humbling that you would consider my column as a favorite piece of reading. Cookie, said, “Anna, did you know you got favoritecolumnist,” to which I replied, “Duhhh, what are you talking about?” We were addressing invitations to Sunny’s, wedding when I got the news and other family members there said, “What’s that about?” Well, as I said, “Duhhh.” And theywanted you to know that not one of them voted for me, so a big family was certainly no help in this situation. That is perfectly all right, even though now theworld will know how observant my loving, supportive family can be.

My heart’s desire for a long time was to be able to write a personal column like this but I never, ever dreamed I would have the opportunity. Feature stories, which Ilove to do, are purely objective, about the person, place or thing. But a personalcolumn is so much fun and I can be subjective, depending on how serious and/or off-the-wall I might want to appear to the public.

My special thanks is to editor, Sandy Seal, for giving me this opportunity. I wasflattered that she believed I was capable and she really tries hard to keep me in line which isn’t too easy when it comes to a strongly opinionated Italian-American.

The staff at L’Observateur is such a pleasure to know and work with, anyone could feel welcome. And, thanks to you, the public, for actually being the subjects towrite about and especially for reading about you, me and whatever. I am in thephone book so you can always call me if you have something of interest we can talk about.

Since we are friends, I want to share an experience and add to the caution notices you have already received this holiday season, or anytime, actually. Recently, nearthe tennis courts at City Park in New Orleans, my car was broken into. Backwindow, cell phone, credit cards, money, etc., were all gone so I must have been abit careless because a station wagon with a bicycle rack hanging on the back would not be especially appealing to today’s modern thief.

Everything was cancelled as soon as I got home, but I didn’t even think about my First American bank card because I rarely use it. The ATM card was there so Ithought I was safe. Well, the thieves had a nice meal on me with one card but theydid all their Christmas and grocery shopping with my bank card. I used a pin numberwith neither but, believe me, in the future I will and I want you to know how important that is and that we just cannot be too careful.

Anyhow, my bank statement shocked me and Maria suggested it must be because of a bank card. How very much I appreciate Grant Martin of First American, GailDawson and Suzanne Mastainich who helped me through the trauma of having my account wiped out! From now on, my debit cards will be exactly that, with a pin number. Remember, it is never going to happen to you; but it does.Once again, thank you so much for reading. You make writing worthwhile. Keepreading! It’s so nice to have friends in all places!

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