Triad’s new community signs warn criminal element to beware

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 24, 2000

L’Observateur / November 24, 2000

HAHNVILLE – There is a new sign in town that says “This is a Triad Community.”The Triad S.A.L.T. (Seniors and Lawmen Together) Council just recentlyerected 10 new signs in St. Charles Parish. The purpose of “Seniors and LawEnforcement working together” is to reach out and improve the quality of living for the senior citizens in St. Charles Parish.The Triad/S.A.L.T. is a program comprised of three branches: The St.Charles Sheriff’s Department, The St. Charles Council on Aging and HomeHealth Care Agencies, as well as other senior citizen organizations. the advisory board for the organization which comes together in a united effort to protect and assist the elderly of our community.

The program, open to seniors throughout the community, promotes crime prevention, citizen awareness and victim assistance through cooperative education, mutual awareness and participation by seniors and lawmen working together.

By having these Triad signs installed parishwide, officials are attempting to show senior citizens here in St. Charles Parish that the sheriff’s departmentis dedicated to helping them.

Triad’s active senior-oriented programs are Adopt-A-Senior, Operation Quick Response, File of Life and 911 Flash-Lite.

For more information on Triad or any of its programs contact Deputy Judy Fielder at the special services division at 783-1355.

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