Holiday tips for Christmas offered to you
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 24, 2000
The Christmas decorations and displays are out and shoppers have begun the mad rush to fill their lists and prepare for the holiday season to come. Moreand more shoppers are going online to complete their gift lists, and while thats good for items not available here, lets not forget our local merchants. One may be surprised what is already available here, without going online, and without plowing through stacks of catalogs. Stores in the River Parishes canfill most, if not all, of your holiday needs, from trees to decorations to gift- giving. So, take a little time and look around first before you shop outsidethe River Parishes. You may save time, headaches and unnecessary stress.Youll also help the local tax collections and help your public schools and parish services.
- Speaking of stress, theres much you can do to make the holiday season better for everyone. Heres a few tips:
- Be extra careful while driving. Avoid getting a ticket and avoid accidents.Theres more traffic than usual, especially this weekend, so lets all be careful out there and save our money for the purposes for which it was intended.
- Once you hit the shopping areas, try and park in a safe, well-lit area. Ifpossible, shop with more than one person. Theres safety in numbers. Also,be mindful of how you carry your purse or wallet. This is also the holidayseason for pickpockets and muggers. Bank that Christmas bonus and use acheck card. Dont carry large amounts of cash.
- In the stores, be courteous and kind to the holiday workers. Many storeshire extra, temporary help during the holidays. They may not be asknowledgable as the regular employees. Be patient with them. Be liberal withyour smiles. Say “thank you” a lot.
- Be also aware of your financial limitations. Dont run up your credit cardlimit and give yourself a year of financial strain and hardship.
- Once you leave the stores and head for your cars, be aware of your surroundings. Try not to load up your arms. Lock up your purchases out ofsight, so as not to be a temptation.
- Dont carry a firearm with you for “personal protection.” The odds areexcellent that a mugger would strike when youre over-burdened with packages and cannot reach your gun. In this case, that gun is more likely toend up stolen and possibly used on yourself or someone else.
- Holiday parties are a staple to many. Do not over-indulge and have adesignated driver. If you shouldnt be driving and no one is available to driveyou, do NOT drive! Its not worth the chance of hurting yourself or someone else. And you havent known holiday stress until you survive a DWI fatalityaccident.
- Above all, remember that the Christmas season is not about Santa Claus or gift-giving. Its about peace on earth and good will towards mankind.Remember the holiday and keep it a holy day. We value all our readers andwant you all back next year.