Get High On Life
Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 4, 2000
Harold Keller / L’Observateur / November 4, 2000
Thursday morning, the topic of one of the early morning radio talk shows was, “Why are college-age students smoking more marijuana and engaging in risky sex?” According to the host of the show, a recent survey shows that 20 percent of college students smoke pot. He then said it looks like a repeat of the activitiesof the ’60’s.
The “hippie generation,” as it was called, smoked pot and introduced America to what is called a sexual revolution. The attitude of the young people, 40 yearsago, was rebellion, not only toward authority (local, state and federal), but toward family and, definitely, toward God. The question then is the same as it istoday. Why?The talk show host said that, as a Catholic, he goes to church every Sunday and notices that the majority in attendance are his age or older. He continued bysaying that the absence of teen-agers is evident. He stated that the voodoofestival, two weeks ago, drew thousands of young people and the smell of marijuana filled the air. He described the music as so vulgar that he couldn’trepeat, on the air, the title of one song a certain group was singing. He asked thequestions – “Why?” “Where have we gone wrong?” The answer is simple. What one generation allows in moderation, the next willabuse in excess.
Forty years ago young people had to go to Woodstock in upstate New York to indulge in what can now be experienced, openly, anywhere in America. Thequestion is still”Why have we allowed the morals in this country to deteriorate to an all time low?” Everyone wants to find happiness. Self-gratification fills the void in our life,temporarily. After the party, then what? An even bigger vacuum, less hope,maybe even depression, until the next artificial high.
I’ll never forget a saying I heard many years ago: “Unhappiness is not knowing what you want and killing yourself to get it.” I certainly could relate to that for45 years of my life.
Let’s talk about the vacuum in our lives that we all experience. I believe thatevery human being is created to love and serve God. When we rebel and shut Godout, we then allow our lives to become a never-ending chase for fulfillment and peace. The world does not have the answer. Only a personal relationship withJesus Christ will fill the void in your heart. When that happens nothing else isneeded. He is sufficient to meet every need in your life and give you a peace thatsurpasses all understanding.
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