Oak Alley hosting bonfire parties

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 25, 2000

L’Observateur / October 25, 2000

VACHERIE – Reservations are now being taken for Oak Alley Plantation’s annual Christmas Bonfire Parties on Dec. 2 and 9. Making reservations asearly as possible is advised since space is limited With this year marking the 25th anniversary of the event, the mansion and grounds will be dressed in breath-taking decor reminiscent of Creole Christmases past.

The festivities begin at 7 p.m. and will continue nonstop until midnight in theantebellum masion and on the surrounding terrace and grounds.

Highlights of the celebration will include a variety of delicious food and an open bar catered by Oak Alley Restaurant. A Gospel choir will lead guests insinging Christmas carols, and live entertainment will be provided afterward for dancing on the terrace. The traditional lighting of the bonfire on the leveeto illuminate the path for Papa Noel is also a sight to see in the setting known throughout the world as the most spectacular in the entire Mississippi Valley.

Admission to the celebration is $70 per person, with all proceeds to be used for the continuing restoration of this unique national historic landmark.

Attire for the evening is holiday casual and warm.

Call (225) 265-2151 or (800) 44ALLEY for reservations by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or make checks payable to Oak Alley Foundation and mail to Christmas Bonfire Party, Oak Alley Plantation, 3645 Louisiana Highway 18, Vacherie, LA 70090.

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