St. John council pits old, new in absurd battle
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 20, 2000
L’Observateur / September 20, 2000
DEAR EDITOR: Since written verse seems to profoundly affect memory and retention, I’d like to take this opportunity to express my opinion regarding some of the stories I’ve recently read in the newspaper and conversations I’ve heard.
Apparently, scrutinizing the newer council members has come about in an attempt to camouflage the misdeeds of some of our more seasoned representatives of this parish.
Personally, I’m befuddled why any council member would question characteristics of trustworthiness and sincerity of their colleagues or the administration of St. John the Baptist Parish.Maybe the clincher of doubt arose in an ordinance that some of our seasoned officials passed without opposition, exempting the parish from adhering to planning and zoning guidelines.
Can one perceive the underlying put-downs and criticism of the newer, seemingly honest public servants is due to the probability that some seasoned officials have had their feathers ruffled? It’s apparent to me that the newer council members, along with returning Dale Wolfe, have been their own rubber stamps and derive no interest in conforming to the typical back-scratching political payback games.
It’s quite refreshing to see spunk in our public servants, the non- conformists not interested with accepting someone’s word for the gospel truth.
If some officials question the actions of the newer council members, perhaps those making that comment should reflect on whether or not there is merit to their questioning. Perhaps the paranoia is moving upstreamrather than downstream.
I’m quite impressed that the newer council members focus on analyzing every contract. It makes me feel comfort in knowing that I’m not beingtaken advantage of, and that my tax dollars are just as important as those of the affluent citizens of our parish.
I’ve developed a respect for these new members who take the time to investigate little issues, even if it appears cosmetic. It assures me theywill do the same with the major issues of our parish, ensuring that our best interests are taken into consideration. Little things mean a lot, evento the “common people” of the parish.
Maybe the nitpicking by some seasoned representatives is attributed to the fact that their districts are always taken care of, while the newer council members represent districts that are left to fend for themselves.
Also, one shouldn’t forget that these other districts have an impact on other campaigns as well.
Constituents frequently hear that if some officials didn’t band together in regard to certain issues that might not be in the best interest of the majority, that some type of retaliation would arise, and work or other issues begin to go undone in districts of that opposing official. Could thatbe possibly occurring again with the “New St. John – It’s a Great Time toBe Here?” Maybe some seasoned council members should analyze and reflect upon their initial efforts in office. Was the motivation to become a “typicalpolitician,” well-fed and well-versed on how to underhandedly deceive the constituents? Could it be that they have forgotten who put them in office? From where I see things, these newly-elected officials remember who put them in office. They are diligently vying to serve the needs of theirsupporters as well as the parish, rather than themselves. Somehow theirdetermination rises above the repeated resistance they seem to be encountering from various ends.
“The New St. John” is a title benefitting those newer council officials, astheir motivation and rationale of taking office appear to still be in focus.
As long as we have the newly-elected representing us, then yes, it is a great time to be here.
Al Arabie
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