Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 20, 2000
Harold Keller / L’Observateur / September 20, 2000
After World War II, Americans couldn’t believe the stories that were being told about Adolf Hitler and his plan to build a super-human white race. Inorder to do this, he had his best medical doctors experiment wit the reproductive process of human beings to find out which genes would produce the fastest, strongest, most athletic and most attractive people.
In Hitler’s plan, the elimination of the weak, crippled and all handicapped was a top priority. He was convinced that they were of no use to him,Germany or the world. His plan was contrary to God’s plan and historytells us that no plan will succeed without God’s blessing.
We all know the results. Many physically and mentally handicapped peoplewere murdered for the sake of creating a super-race. The stories we heardabout over 50 years ago made us sick. How could Adolf Hitler think hecould get away with such a plan? Could this ever happen in America? You be the judge.
Today in America, we have accepted abortion. It is the elimination of theunwanted. Are there people in America who are wanted? Yes – super-humans – just as in Nazi Germany.
Seven and a half months ago, I was shocked by the following newspaper article from San Francisco:
“Couple offering $100,000 for eggs A pair of would-be parents has placed an ad offering $100,000 for the egges of a bright, young, white athlete – possibly the highest offer yet made for such a service. Their asking price has raised ethical questionseven for advocates of high-tech reproductive medicine, who say giving eggs should be about helping others, not making a big cash payoff. Thecouple’s half-page advertisement, which ran in Stanford University’s student newspaper, specified that the woman be under 30 and an athlete of ‘proven, college-level ability.’ The highest-known price before was$50,000, offered through an ad last year in a number of Ivy League college papers. The ad was placed by Families 2000, a donor-recruiting servicebased in southern California. The service did not return phone callsseeking comment.”
Has history repeated itself, as it often does? God, forgive us.
HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivation group.
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