Groups invited to tour St. Charles Parish schools

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 17, 2000

LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / September 17, 2000

DESTREHAN – Superintendent Dr. Rodney Lafon was not happy with theconsistently low turnout of his monthly community forums, so he took a different angle for the 2000-2001 school term. He decided to host toursof school facilities for invited groups.

The first Patron Tour began Thursday at 8 a.m., as 40 interested clergytoured the Norco feeder system, which brings students from Norco Elementary to Harry Hurst Middle School to Destrehan High School.

At each school, specially-trained student tour guides brought the visitors around, showing off programs, classes and facilities.

It all began for this first tour group with a breakfast meeting at Destrehan High School’s Wildcat Kitchen, where Lafon provided a brief introduction.

From that point, students took small groups into tours.

They then boarded a bus, visited Hurst Middle, and then were off to Norco Elementary before returning for a lunch at the Wildcat Kitchen.

For example, at Destrehan High, tour guide Cherie Aucoin escorted Larry Sesser of the Central Office, and the Rev. David Roth of Des AllemandsMennonite Church around the large campus.

Roth, who has been in St. Charles Parish for only a year and a half, hadnever visited Destrehan High and was impressed with the facility. The tourincluded a chemistry lab, TV studio, math and English, choir, Spanish III and ROTC classes.

Planned for future tours are the U.S. Highway 90 feeder system on Nov. 16,the St. Rose feeder system on Jan. 18, and the River Road feeder system onFeb. 15.A tour of the Destrehan feeder system is planned March 8 and the Mimosa feeder system tour is set April 26.

Groups interested in participating can call Regina Benoit at 785-7222.

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