Straight Talk from Straight Kids

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 30, 2000

GEOFFREY MICHEL / L’Observateur / August 30, 2000

Well, as most of you probably know, a lot of people were glued to their televisions last week to see who would win the show “Survivor.” My family andI loved the show and would tape it so we could later watch it when we were all together. Our pick to win was Rudy because he reminded us of our Paw PawMichel. The one person we didn’t want to win was Richard, and for the past fourweeks we ordered cakes that said, “Goodbye Richard.” (We look for any excuseto order a Cora and Dora cake. ) So, come to find out Richard ended up becomingthe ultimate survivor, but he wasn’t the only survivor Wednesday night.

Now, I really like my friends. So when they decided to go swimming after goingto Oneighty I was glad that they invited me. I asked if somebody would be ableto bring me home, and my friend Amie assured me that someone would. I calledmy dad for permission, then proceeded to go to Amber’s house along with Matt and Amie. It started off fun at first, but little did I know I should have beenconserving my energy.

About 10:15 p.m. we decided it was time to go, so Amie called her parents. Noanswer. So, she calls again. Still no answer. Now, I am usually calm about stuff,but this was an interesting situation. I looked around and spotted a bike, butAmber said it was broken. Finally, I asked Amie to call one last time. Still, noanswer. By now it is about 10:30 p.m. and I knew that I had to make it homebefore curfew. So I decided to run home. Now, this was a two-and-a-half milerun. That might not seem far for some, but it was for me. I also had on wet jeanshorts at the time. I got home at 10:50 p.m. and my mom was very upset that Ididn’t call her to come and pick me up. I thought she may have been sleeping anddidn’t want to disturb her.

My mom asked me what I had learned from this experience. First, I learned that Ishould call home regardless of the time because my parents will always come and get me. I also have a greater appreciation for people who run. And, finally, Ilearned the thrill of surviving the run. Hey, maybe I can qualify for the next”Survivor” show. No, on second thought, I don’t think that I could make it. But Iknow that my Paw Paw Michel could.

If you have any questions or comments, write to me at P.O. Box 1493, LaPlace,LA 70069.

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