Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 22, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / August 22, 2000

A good attitude is not something we are born with. A good attitude is achoice. People with good attitudes live longer, enjoy better health andhave exciting, happy lives.

I get around pretty much in the River Parishes area and talk to a lot of people. Some I enjoy seeing; others, well, let’s just say I wouldn’t miss ifwe never cross paths.

One person’s relationship I’ve thoroughly enjoyed is that of my good friend, Mrs. Stella Roussel. Stella has been the cafeteria manager atRiverside Academy for the past 25 years. Every time we meet, I get a bigsmile and a kiss.

Last week, I was at Riverside and met Stella in the hall. I got the usualpleasant greeting. “You’re still working?” I asked. Before she couldanswer, I said, “When are you going to retire?” “Not until I get old,” she said, smiling. “Stella,” I said, “I know you’re younger than me (I knewdifferently), but how young are you” (She didn’t say it, but I knew what she was thinking: Harold, you’re full of bull.) “I’m 70 years old,” sheproudly said.

You could tell that she enjoys her job. I say “job,” but to Miss Stella, asthe students call her, it’s not a job. It’s a service to all the faculty andstudents at the school. She’s at school at 5 a.m. and stays until the workis done, which is usually around 2 p.m.I spoke to Stella a few days after that meeting in the hallway and found out a little more about my very special friend. She shared with me thather first job was at Airline Motors in LaPlace at age 15. She later workedat Abero’s and Sycamore Inn in Gramercy. “Growing up with eight brothersand sisters was a challenge,” she said. “We all had to do our part.” I toldher that even though it was tough, she seemed to be the better for it.

Before leaving, I told Stella that she must really enjoy all the students.

She agreed. I guess that’s what keeps my friend young at heart. Will Stellaever get old? In years, maybe, but never in spirit.

After my conversation with her, I realized how blessed all the people at Riverside are to have a Miss Stella. I also, more than ever, appreciate myfriendship with a very special lady – a nice person with a great attitude and a good cook and cafeteria manager. May God bless you, Miss Stella!

HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational group.

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