Council votes to renew Mosquito control contract

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 5, 2000

L’Observateur / July 5, 2000

LAPLACE – Debate over the renewal of the mosquito control contract resulted in some angry buzzing recently at a St. John Parish Council meeting.Two weeks ago Chris Guidry, St. John Parish’s chief administrative officer,presented a feasibility study to the council on the possibility of making mosquito control an in-house operation. The parish has a contract withMosquito Control Inc. that expired July 1. Councilman Dale Wolfe had asked Guidry to do the study because Wolfe felt mosquito control could be done more efficiently and effectively by parish workers. Wolfe was also concerned that outside contractors were takingmoney out of the parish.

Guidry said that after studying mosquito abatement programs in other parishes, the parish would do better economically if it continued to use Mosquito Control Inc.

Guidry’s report said that using taxpayer money for in-house mosquito services would cost close to $700,000, which is $400,000 more than is collected in taxes for the Mosquito Abatement Fund.

Wolfe was not happy with the administration’s report and got the council to table the mosquito contract until he had done some of his own research.

Last week Wolfe informed the council he had looked into other options but hadn’t reached any conclusions.

“I have done the research,” Wolfe told the council. “But it will take me longerthan two weeks to come up with any conclusions. So I recommend that thecouncil adopt the present contract.”However, Wolfe asked that the council also hire a full-time monitor to watch over Mosquito Control Inc. and that the contract be for only one year, with a30-day “out” clause.

“If we do come up with a plan that will save money, we will ask the council to adopt it,” explained Wolfe.

Council President Duaine Duffy reminded Wolfe that the contract was for four years, then asked council attorney Charles Lorio if the council could negotiate for a one-year contract.

Lorio said the council could negotiate a contract for any length of time, so Allen St. Pierre made an substitute motion to go with a two-year contract.Steve Lee said he was concerned that if the contract was any less than four years they would not be able to lock in a good price. Lee also wanted to makesure that the parish had a 30-day out clause.

Lorio said the present contract had no such clause but one could be inserted.

Lee replied, “I expect a 30-day out on a four-year contract with the best possible price. I can go with a two-, three- or four-year contract, but I can’tgo without mosquito control.”Cleveland Farlough asked the administration where it stood on the contract.

Parish President Nickie Monica replied, “We need mosquito control, and we need a contract. I will never recommend in-house spraying.”Wolfe than chastised the administration for its study.

“The administration comes up with this fly-by-night, four-page study that did not apply to this parish. It made no sense and was just slapped together.””I stand by our research,” Monica replied.

Wolfe then attacked the mosquito control company.

“They rip this parish off,” claimed Wolfe, “and these ‘good guys’ close their eyes and turn their head. They don’t care about the parish. They letcontractors come in and rip us off. Look at planning and zoning, they areonly half way running.”Lee interrupted Wolfe.

“He is out of order,” Lee said to Duffy. “We are talking about mosquitoes, notplanning and zoning.”Wolfe shot back, “I don’t listen to you.””Are you going to call him out of order?” Lee asked Duffy. “I’ll call him out oforder.”Duffy rapped his gavel and told Wolfe, “We are talking about mosquitoes, Mr.

Wolfe.”Wolfe deferred to Duffy and calm was restored.

Again, St. Pierre put forth the motion for a two-year contract.”I don’t believe that Mosquito Control needs four years. Two years isreasonable,” he said.

Lester Rainey concurred.

“I think four years is way too long,” he said. “I would go with two years with a30-day out. Let’s not give anybody else a four-year contract.”St. Pierre also said there is money to hire a person to monitor MosquitoControl’s performance. He then made a motion for a two-year contract witha 30-day out and to hire a full-time monitor.

The motion passed 8-1 with Wolfe voting against it.

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