SCC dedicates Metcalf weight room
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 17, 2000
MICHAEL KIRAL / L’Observateur / June 17, 2000
LAPLACE – St. Charles Catholic athletic director David Lowry rememberswhen the athletic department used the school’s music room as a weight room. That room was also used for Masses by Ascension of Our Lord Church.After the final Mass on Sunday, the chairs would be removed and the following day, the athletes would carry the free weights into the room.
The weight room would move around over the years, eventually finding a home in the CometPlex adjacent to the football field. But times changed.Weight lifting grew more in popularity in the sports other than football as well and was even incorporated in the curriculum in physical education classes.
To make it more convenient for all students, the school recently brought the weight room back to the music room next to the gym. This time, withrenovations being completed, the room could hold much more equipment and many more athletes.
The idea for the renovation came about as the school administrators talked about building a new building to house the weight room. But with a classroomexpansion being constructed this summer, that plan was not feasible. Sothey turned to renovating the former music and drama room.
“As it turned out, we got a bigger weight room than we originally planned,” Lowry said. “All sports and P.E. have access to it. It’s more convenient foreverybody.”The school got a big assist from the Metcalf family who made a $10,000 donation toward it. Charlie Metcalf and his family were big supporters of theschool, sponsoring the fireworks at games and playing a big part in the carnival ball. Rusty Gaudet, Charlie Metcalf’s grandson, graduated from St.Charles Catholic in 1997 after playing football for the Comets, and five more “He was big into children,” Patsy Metcalf said of Charlie.
Darla Gaudet, Charlie’s daughter, said the family was originally going to do a scholarship in his name. But with Rusty having played athletics and decidingthat it would have an effect on more students, the family decided to support the weight room.
Thursday morning, Darla, Rusty, Patsy and Keith and Stephenrae Metcalf met with Lowry and St. Charles Catholic principal to dedicate the weight room asthe Metcalf Room in memory of Charlie Metcalf. A plaque will hang in theroom commemorating it as such.
The room houses enough equipment to be used for up to 36 athletes at a time, including step machines, bikes and power lift machines. Body Masterequipment allow athletes to work on various exercises, including leg and shoulder presses and bench squats.
“They can do squats, presses and dead lifts in one area,” Lowry said.
“That’s the trend now.”The room will also house the athletic department offices and two storage rooms. Down the hall is the training room and the boys’ basketballlockerroom, both which have been renovated.
Besides the extra room that the Metcalf Room has generated, another benefit is that its climate controlled. It will remain air-conditioned at alltimes, preventing rust from forming on the weights.
“With the way it worked out, we are really pleased with everything,” Lowry said.
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