Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 14, 2000

L’Observateur / June 14, 2000

DEAR EDITOR: I would like to take a moment and tell you another side to Lynette Bush’s letter. In the June 10 newspaper, she wrote a letter about a kitten in need ofhelp. Perhaps when you hear both sides of the story, you may have a betterunderstanding of the situation. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am avery compassionate person towards animals, and that I would never wish prolonged suffering to an animal.

When Mrs. Bush called 9-1-1, I was already on a true emergency call. A carhad hit a dog and I was waiting for the veterinarian to see the animal. When Iwas able to call her bakc, I did. She told me the kitten had an upperrespiratory problem and that she wanted me to pick it up and have it put to sleep immediately. She also said that the infection was contagious tohumans. Having five years’ experience working with animals, I tried toreassure her that she could not catch the infection from the kitten.

Just to ease my own mind, I consulted with a vet for a second opinion. Thevet told me that the only way a person can catch the disease was if they had a suppressed immune system caused by AIDS. Now, let me explain an upperrespiratory infection in a cat for you. It is something like when a human getsa cold. You may feel badly and look terrible, but you aren’t going to die. I didnot classify this as an emergency case since we only go out after hours for bite cases and injured animals.

I told her I would be there to retrieve the kitten first thing Monday morning, being that she had called on Sunday evening. That was not good enough, soshe proceeded to call Duaine Duffy. Mr. Duffy then called my home and askedme if I could pick up the kitten on Monday morning. I had no problem with this,being that I had offered that to Mrs. Bush.In conclusion, the kitten was picked up on Monday morning as originally offered and taken to the shelter. He was fed and had a very healthyappetite. He was then treated for the infection and is doing just fine now.Just think, if I had done what was demanded of me, he would have been euthanized on the spot, and never given a chance to live. If you ask me, thatwould have been heartless.

Melissa Vial St. Rose

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