Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 10, 2000
L’Observateur / June 10, 2000
The opening of the National D-Day Museum in New Orleans is a feather in the cap of a city striving for more respectability. This goes a long waytoward enhancing the positive side of New Orleans.
If nothing else, the Museum highlights what has been called “America’s greatest generation,” those who endured World War II, both on the front lines and on the home front.
Through an unparalleled effort of cooperation and enthusiasm, America came through to combat true evil, and triumph.
When the concentration camps were opened by Allied troops in Europe, America came to grips with the reality of the monsters their sons and brothers and fathers fought. Thankfully, true evil is rare nowadays.However, to an unfortunate extent, later generations forgot the sacrifices made and the patriotism displayed by that Best Generation. The NationalD-Day Museum gives these people the honor and respect they deserve.
These people, along with their allies, literally saved the world. Think longand hard on that fact.
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