Published 12:00 am Friday, May 5, 2000
L’Observateur / May 5, 2000
Use seat belts
DEAR EDITOR: I would like to voice my concern over the lack of seat belt safety, especially when it involves children that are not old enough to make the decision or know the danger of being in an accident.
This is a message for parents, grandparents, caregivers and friends that I pass on the road in automobiles that allow kids to fly with the wind, as if to say, “Look at me, I am the one in charge, I am not wearing a seat belt.”Do you think you are showing these children love by allowing them to ride without seat belts? Think of the pain of losing your precious child. Before youturn that ignition key on, be sure that all occupants have their seat belts properly secured, especially young children who need your assistance.
It concerns me when I see our law enforcement passing cars with children hanging out the window, obviously not wearing their seat belts. Why do wehave seat belt laws if they are not being enforced? What is my responsibility as a concerned citizen? As a caregiver, my automobile doesn’t move until the children are safely strapped in.
Shame on us for our lack of concern.
Lillian Walker LaPlace
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