
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 3, 2000

Anna Monica / L’Observateur / May 3, 2000

“Cancer doesn’t sleep, so we don’t either,” says Laura Zadain, founder of the Relay for Life and coordinator of the event in St. John Parish. Laura wasreferring to the many activities that are planned for relay participants on May 6 which begins at 5:00 p.m. and ends at 5:00 a.m. on May 7.Laura, of LaPlace, participated in her first Relay event in St. Tammany andwas determined to bring it here. With help from her mom, Bobbie, and sister,Chris Troxlair, she succeeded, and they will once again be chairing this year’s event to be held at the Joe Keller stadium in Reserve.

Their very capable and tireless committee once again includes Maria Hotard, Greer Millet and Ryan Luminais, with plenty help coming also from Patsy Metcalf, Vic Zadain, Cathy and Bob Duckle, Judge Sterling Snowdy, Ian MacArthur (Laura’s fianc) and a number of other friends who want to help.

Admission to the Relay for Life event is free. Teams are put together fromany group such as families, schools and churches of any 10-15 people. Eachmember of the team has to raise $100 before the event and some raise more. Fund raisers also take place at the event, including raffles, putt-puttgolf, a dunking booth and a number of others. Plus there will be a Kid’s Zonebaby sitting service where your children will be safely entertained.

A volleyball tournament goes on all night and every half hour there is a different activity. Those include a scavenger hunt, tug-o-war, hula hoop (Icouldn’t do it then and surely couldn’t now), relay races, line dancing, aerobic workout, musical chairs and jambalaya cook-off.

Some of this year’s teams include four from Riverside Academy (and what a wonderful group of kids to do that); La. Federal Credit Union has two,Garyville Magnet School has two, Hibernia Bank, Gold Eagle Security, East St.

John, Union Planters, St. John Business Association and Reserve TelephoneCompany. Those are considered corporate teams.Sponsors for the main events include St. John Fleet, Luminary Ceremony; andGolden Eagle Security, Survivor Celebration. Louisiana Federal Credit Union,Nickie Monica and Hibernia Bank are also among the main sponsors.

The event starts with a survivor celebration and they take the first lap around the track; the second lap is walked with their families and supporters and then the teams. In fact, one team member has to be on the track at alltimes. Not much chance for boredom or dullness, obviously.Golden Eagle Security sponsors a dinner for the cancer survivors and then at 9:00 p.m., the luminaries are lit in remembrance of those who were lost fromcancer and to honor those battling cancer or have been diagnosed with it. Amoment of silence is observed and some of the tears will be mine.

The American Cancer Society works hard to finance cancer-cure research.

Laura says they are second only to the government, but my doctor believes they do the most. I want to write more about this event. It has specialmeaning for me. I have been invited to be one of the speakers. By attending,or forming a team, which they still need, you are helping me and so many others out there. There are no words to express the gratitude I am sure weall feel.

Anna Monica is a regular columnist for L’Observateur

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