Homewood subdivision due to get drainage relief

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 18, 2000

ERIK SANZENBACH / L’Observateur / April 18, 2000

LAPLACE – Thanks to the St. John the Baptist Parish Council and CouncilmanCleveland Farlough,the Homewood Subdivision has been placed at the top of a list of drainage projects slated for the parish.

“The residents of Homewood have been suffering for 20 years without any relief,” Farlough said.

He made a motion that Homewood be made a separate drainage project and given top priority. The motion passed unanimously, and engineers are toreport to the council in a month on the status of the work.

In other council business: Parish President Nickie Monica declared April “Fair Housing Month” and asked all residents to re-dedicate themselves to the precepts of fair housing for everyone. The council gave Monica authorization to sign an agreement with Sizeler Architects to design a civic center for the property on U.S. Highway 51. Duaine Duffy appointed Wilbert Ocmond to the Grants Committee while Ranney Wilson appointed Raymond Green, Allen St. Pierre appointed MaryAnderson and Farlough appointed Willette Wallace to the same committee. Duffy and Job Boucvalt got a resolution passed that requests the Department of Transportation and Development leave the existing median on Airline Highway from Old U.S. Highway 51 to the east end of the LaPlaceBusiness District. Monica announced a $70,000 Information Technology Grant which will allow the parish government to upgrade its computer network, phone system, internet access and geographic information system. The council gave permission to Gulf Liquids New River Project LLC to construct two natural gas pipelines north of Interstate 10 and under U.S. 51. Monica got a resolution passed to create an Engineering Qualification Selection Committee for the St. John Airport.

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