Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 16, 2000
L’Observateur / February 16, 2000
GRAMERCY – Henry Adam Bossier, 84, a native and resident of Gramercy, died Feb. 13. He was the husband of the late Gertrude Berthelot Bossier andfather of Mary Savois and Paul Bossier.
He was also the son of the late Paul and Mary Coralie Fourroux Bossier and brother of the late Eva Doherty, Lillian Goudeau and Herbert, Joseph, Eddie, Walter and Clifford Bossier.
He is also survived by five grandchildren.
Services are today at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Gramercy,with interment at St. Joseph Mausoleum, Paulina. Visitation starts at 8 a.m.
VACHERIE – Loretta Borne Bourgeois, 86, a native and resident of Vacherie, died Feb. 11. She was the wife of the late Joseph J. Bourgeois Sr. and motherof Mary Ann Richardson and Manuel, Joseph Jr. and Errol Bourgeois.She was also the daughter of the late Francois Henry and Loretta LeRoux Borne and sister of the late Laura Scioneaux, Henry Estevel and Althea, Henry, Onisia, Etienne, Caliste and Frederick Borne.
She is also survived by three grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Services were held Feb. 14 at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church, Vacherie,with interment at the church cemetery.
DESTREHAN – U.J. Clement, 82, a longtime former resident of St. Rose and aresident of Baton Rouge, died Feb. 14. He was the husband of the lateDorothy H. Clement and father of Carol Causey and Craig Clement.He was also the son of the late Ursin and Harriet Clement and brother of the late Marilyn Leach and Vernon, Leroy and Harold Clement.
He is also survived by five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Graveside services are today at noon at St. Charles Borromeo Mausoleum,Destrehan. Visitation starts at 10 a.m.
DESTREHAN – Therese Waguespack Hebert, 72, a native and resident of New Sarpy, died Feb. 12. She was the wife of the late Murray Hebert and motherof Barbara Fonseca and Michael, Gary and David Hebert.
She was also the daughter of the late Amedee and Elise Simon Waguespack and sister of Kathleen Sams.
She is also survived by eight grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
She was a teacher at St. Charles Borromeo Elementary School, Destrehan,for 33 years.
Services were held Feb. 15 at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church,Destrehan, with interment at the church mausoleum.
DESTREHAN – Audrey Martinez Mire, a resident of New Sarpy, died Feb. 13.She was the wife of Harold Mire Sr. and mother of Daryl, Harold Jr. and thelate Timothy Mire.
She was also the daughter of the late Emile and Eurilda “Girlie” Martinez and sister of Emile Jr. and Larry Martinez.She is also survived by three grandchildren.
Services are today at 11:30 a.m. at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church,Destrehan, with interment at the church mausoleum. Visitation starts at9:30 a.m.
LAPLACE – Mildred Jacob Perilloux, a native of Reserve and resident of LaPlace for 68 years, died Feb. 14. She was the wife of the late LesterPerilloux Sr. and mother of Sandra Pounds and Gerald “Cosmo,” Bruce andthe late Lester “Dee Dee” Perilloux Jr.
She was also the daughter of the late Victor and Marie Dufresne Jacob and sister of Rita Boteler, Marie Woodard, Virginia Songy and the late Agnes Roccaforte, Nora Millet, Etna Stacey, Cecelia Pastureau and Preston, Whitney, Laurence and Warren Jacob.
She is also survived by 13 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren.
Services are today at 10:30 a.m. in the chapel of Millet-Guidry Funeral Home,LaPlace, with interment at St. Peter Cemetery, Reserve. Visitation starts at8 a.m.
LAPLACE – Robert E. “Dit” Richoux, 65, a native and resident of LaPlace, diedFeb. 12. He was the husband of Yvonne Duhe Richoux and father of RachelRoussel and Rory, Kevin and Stacy Richoux.
He was also the son of the late Lynwood and Lettie Hotard Richoux and brother of Ruby Englade.
He is also survived by six grandchildren.
Services were held Feb. 14 at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, LaPlace, withinterment at St. John Memorial Gardens Cemetery, LaPlace.
ST. ROSE – Isiah “Weaty Boy” Rollins Jr., 66, a native and resident of St.Rose, died Feb. 9. He was the husband of the late Carrie Mae Taylor Rollinsand father of Dedralyn Buggage, Cynthia Johnson and Isiah Randolph Rollins.
He was also the son of the late Isiah Rollins Sr., Elizabeth Diggs and ThomasJohnson Sr. and brother of Betty Ann Thompson, Thomas Johnson Jr.,Warren, Lloyd, Barry, Michael and Peter Johnson and the late Helen Wilright and Alvin Johnson.
He is also survived by six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Services were held Feb. 14 at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, St. Rose, withinterment at Jefferson Memorial Gardens Cemetery, St. Rose.
EDGARD – Jessel S. “Bosco” Smith, 41, a native of Edgard and resident ofNew Orleans, died Feb. 10. He was the husband of Juanita McGee Smith andfather of Trajai and Jessel Smith III and step-father of Angela Williams and Derrick Brown.
He was also the son of Jessel S. Smith Sr. and the late Eunice Samuel Smithand brother of Linda Dumas, Gail Comminie, Monna Green, Yolanda Johnson and Terry, Keman and Donald Smith.
Services were held Feb. 14 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Edgard,with interment at the church cemetery.
CONVENT – Ernest “Papa G” “Lee” “Underwood” Stewart Sr., 90, a nativeand resident of Convent, died Feb. 10. He was the husband of Lilly NicholasStewart and father of Viola Francis, Betty Davis, June Washington, Janice Banks, Yvonne Fobb, Sherry Burnett, Rose Hamilton and Varie, Sharon Ann, Donna, Rebecca, Reginald and Ernest Stewart Jr.
He was also the brother of Irene Benn.
He is also survived by 38 grandchildren and 35 great-grandchildren.
Services are today at 11 a.m. at St. James United Methodist Church,Convent, with interment at the church cemetery.
MARRERO – Felicien A. Torres, 90, a native of Des Allemands and resident ofAvondale for many years, died Feb. 12. He was the husband of Gina MelaTorres, father of Jerry Torres and step-father of the late Adolph Mela.
He was also the son of the late Felicien Sr. and Maria L. Lavas Torres.He is also survived by two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Services were Feb. 15 in the chapel of Westside Funeral Home, Marrero, withinterment at St. Gertrude Cemetery, Des Allemands.
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