Inmate work program gets financial boost
Published 12:00 am Friday, February 11, 2000
ERIK SANZENBACH / L’Observateur / February 11, 2000
LAPLACE – The St. John Sheriff’s Office’s Inmate Work Program got a bigboost from the Parish Council Tuesday as the council set funding at $65,000 for the program that uses inmates to cut the grass and pick up trash around the parish.
The sheriff’s office asked for the funding so it could buy its own equipment.
Deputy Ricky Roussell, who helps run the program, said that the money is badly needed.
“When we started we only had one crew to pick up trash. We had to beg,borrow and steal equipment from public works in order to do things,” Roussell told the council. “Now we want to add a third crew to work in the parks, andwe would like to continue the work.”Councilman Steve Lee said the money is a good investment.
“For $65,000 we are getting a lot of work,” he said. “The inmate workprogram cuts the majority of grass in the parish and leaves public works time to do other important jobs. This has been a very successful program.Give them the money and let them do their work.”Councilman Cleveland Farlough wanted to know if the inmates would be working in the Garyville/Mt. Airy area because he hadn’t seen them outthere. Roussell assured Farlough they are going to send crews out there.Councilman Lester Rainey Jr. wanted to know if the equipment would belongto the parish or the sheriff.
Duaine Duffy said, “The Sheriff owns the equipment, but it will be accountable to the parish.”The council voted unanimously to give the money to the program.
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