RPH’s first 2000 baby born Tuesday

Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 8, 2000

DANIEL TYLER GOODEN / L’Observateur / January 8, 2000

LAPLACE – The warm Tuesday morning sun rose over River Parishes Hospital to find someone brand new for a new millennium.

Nicol Mae Bourgeois opened her eyes and took her first breath at 9:11 a.m.on a day that will be remembered happily in the Bourgeois household.

Nicol came into the world at 7 pounds, 8 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long with the assistance of Dr. Stuart Shultz.Born to Tanya and Chad Bourgeois of Gramercy, Nicol is the second addition to the household. Luke Jerard Bourgeois, who will be 2 years oldon Jan. 29, was excited to see his brand new sister.”I hold baby,” he said proudly. “I want to see baby,” he said and walkedacross the room to kiss Nicol’s hand as she rested in the arms of her mother.

He wasn’t the only one in joyous spirit when Nicol was introduced to the rest of the world Thursday morning. Nicol’s mother and father shone as ifthey’d been smiling for days. Grandparents, nurses and hospital personnellined the walls basking in the glow of the blissful family.

The hospital staff has a special attachment to the Bourgeois child. Tanyahas worked as an obstetrics nurse. Dr. Shultz, happy to have deliveredNicol for his friend, said, “How can I best describe Tanya? She’s a kick, a great nurse.”Chad’s fellow employees at Highland Fabrications will not miss out on the event. The engineer manager, as a proud father, will undoubtedly bebestowing pictures and tales of his new prize to his friends at work.

The pregnancy was normal, Shultz said, adding the family came in for a scheduled caesarian section at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.”She was due on the fifth, so we scheduled her to come in on Tuesday,” said Dr. Shultz. Waiting three days for the first bay of the new millennium was of no concern to the hospital.

“All over the country hospitals were scheduling deliveries at midnight. Iwasn’t going to do that,” said Dr. Shultz.So Nicol Mae Bourgeois was delivered properly and right on time.

As the first baby of the year, Nicol was blessed, not solely by her family and friends, but by the hospital and the community.

Sean Roussel, director of marketing for the hospital, said, “Last year was the first year we did this, and the hospital gave a $100 certificate to Walmart.” This year, through the efforts of Roussel and assistant marketing director Tammy Waltz, the community followed suit to donate gifts to the newborn.

Along with the $100 certificate, the hospital gave an $80 certificate to its gift shop. In the LaPlace community, Bulls Corner Restaurant donated a$50 certificate for a two-dinner meal. A pin was given to Nicol fromRoussel’s Antiques, and a portrait package was donated by Portraits by Suzie. Also, A Bushel and A Peck Baskets and Gifts gave a baby timecapsule to keep memorable items of the newborn safe, and two outfits from Children’s World and a $100 bank bond from Hibernia National Bank finished off a much appreciated collection.

Tanya and her new daughter were released from the hospital Friday, with the River Parishes’ baby of the millenium home to Gramercy to an already welcoming parish community.

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