Get High on Life

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 10, 1999

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / November 10, 1999

This Thursday, we celebrate Veterans Day. Most people are glad that it is aholiday. Very few of us will take time to reflect on the reason for thecelebration.

Most of us go through life complaining about the things that are wrong in our country, but do very little to correct them. Many years ago, I heard asaying that we could all take to heart: “It’s impossible to be hateful when you’re grateful.”I’ve always been patriotic, but like many people, I forget the real meaning of this day.

Veterans Day is set aside to honor all those who served in the Armed Services in order that we might be free. Freedom is something we inAmerica have taken for granted. I salute the courageous men and womenwho risked their lives to protect our freedom.

I’m old enough to remember the men in my neighborhood who, while serving during World War II, were killed while defending our freedom. Veryoften, I meet up with friends who joined the service at 17 and came back crippled, or lost an eye, leg, arm – disabled for life. To these heroes I say,from my family and myself, “Thanks for your unselfish response to your country’s call for help in time of crisis.”The sad part about this day is that we have forgotten the sacrifices that many people made so that we could remain free. Today, most schoolchildren don’t know why wars were fought. They don’t know anything aboutpatriotism. Standing at attention during the National Anthem, to some, isridiculous. Respect for our flag is not that important anymore. Serving inthe military is not considered an honorable thing to do these days. Maybeour thinking should be redirected.

This Veterans Day, let’s all take time to remember the real heroes of America, not the rock stars, pro athletes, movie stars, but real men and women who deserve our gratitude – the veterans. They served withoutcomplaining, served well, and protected this country, one nation under God.

For this we should all be grateful.

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