Anti-crime violence program launched in St. Charles schools

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 25, 1999

LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / October 25, 1999

LULING – The St. Charles Parish School System has teamed with CoregisInsurance in the WeTip anti-violence program.

During a presentation at Wednesday’s meeting of the St. Charles SchoolBoard, Supt. Dr. Rodney Lafon and Sheriff Greg Champagne were featured ina locally-produced video now being shown at schools and on local cable television.

WeTip is a national, non-profit organization which allows people to phone 1-800-78-CRIME and report weapons, drugs, arson, vandalism, bomb scares, sexual violence and gang violence in public schools.

Once a caller makes contact, a case number is assigned and the information provided is checked out by local police and school officials.

The service never asks for a name of the tipster, but a code number is provided to the caller which could lead to a reward of up to $1,000.

Posters have also been placed in all schools to inform students, faculty and parents of the program.

Brooke Crocker, president of Hahnville High School’s Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), enlisted the board’s support for Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 23-31.In other activity, the board: Welcomed Bell South Communications representative Mary Ann Francois, who presented mini-grants to teachers with innovative methods.

Receiving awards were Vicki Dana and Madeline Pharr, both of New Sarpy Elementary, and Sue Triche of Luling Elementary.

Recognized six students who will attend the Mississippi River Basin Alliance Conference in St. Louis, Mo. Only 45 students nationwide wereinvited. The local students are Tiffinie Alphonso, Michael Perret, BritneyRobinson, David McCorkly, Brandi Power and Josh Varnado, all of Hahnville High School. Teacher Val Butler is also attending. Recognized Ivon Johnson of Hahnville High School, who received a full scholarship for the Health Careers Opportunity Program at Morehouse College in Atlanta.

Postponed action on selecting an employee insurance provider. Boardmember Steve Crovetto commented he was “shocked” that no decision was being made.

Approved a conditional bid from Crown Roofing to replace the tornado- damaged roof of Norco Elementary. The low bid, from Ray Brothers Inc.,was rejected as the company did not meet all specifications. Theinsurance settlement for the damage came to $216,000, according to Larry Sesser, executive director of physical plant services.

Crown’s bid came to $266,818, but that may be negotiated to match the insurance settlement.

Approved the emergency replacement of the heating system boiler at Destrehan High School at a cost of $55,000.

Heard a presentation on the Reading Recovery Literacy programs. Duringthe 1998-99 session, 248 students were in the upper elementary program and 95 percent passed. In the first-grade program, 258 students wereserved and 68 percent passed.

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