To those who’ve spoken out – hang in there
Published 12:00 am Monday, September 27, 1999
L’Observateur / September 27, 1999
DEAR EDITOR: To those who came forward: I have been closely monitoring the recent events that rocked the town of Norco and the surrounding areas, and would like to express my deepest praise to the brave and heroic young men who exposed the recent series of crimes committed against themselves and many other innocent victims. Toyou, my friend, the pioneer that led to the eventual discovery of subsequent victims, you deserve the highest reward. You thought forawhile that “you were the only one” or “you would be the only one to come forward,” and then be left defenseless. And now, with every newrevelation comes the relief that your pain, persistence, and patience were not in vain. Your community and myself thank all of you for putting an endto one of the most soul-deadening sins ever created by the prince of evil himself. We share the pain of the long silence that you have endured andthe attempts to block this “thing” out of your mind. We know the hauntingthoughts that may have gone through your minds that because you participated in this man’s perversion that somehow you were responsible.
Nonsense! You have been legitimately violated by one of the most damaging forms of abuse committed against children in the history of mankind. Whatmakes it worse to you as young men is that this was done by someone of your same gender. What happened to you is nothing short of a crime, afelony punishable by law. A crime so detestable that some members ofyour community chose rather to disbelieve you. Even your perpetratorchose a plea of “not guilty.” It won’t work! The majority of yourcommunity believes you and so do many others that you may never know about. You have our full support. I only regret that he has chosen to dragthis event out in a court of law.
To the parents of the victims: This wasn’t your fault! Don’t blame yourself. Child molestation is notexactly a subject that most people would like to educate themselves about. This is something that is supposed to happen to “other people.” Youwere also violated and deceived. One of the modes of operation ofpedophiles is to appear very likeable. An upstanding member of society, ifyou will. This is a major technique of “camouflage.” To blend in with thesurroundings and gain the trust of the parents and the intended victims.
We were always taught to stay away from strangers. Therefore,pedophiles cannot be “strangers.” Child molesters also tend to look forcertain personality traits exhibited in children that will allow for easy access. Your children do not have to manifest any obvious “problems” inorder to be preyed upon. A child who is shy, slightly introverted, orreserved can be a prime target. The perpetrator may “test” the child byasking if the child can keep a secret. And if he can, then the worst secretof all will be required to be kept. This is where the damage begins tooccur. During the child’s most formative years, a time when knowledge,personal growth and life skills are to be learned, his precious life is truncated and the fallout from the molestation begins to take its toll. It isas though the normal maturation process is halted. Depression, alcohol,drug abuse and even sex may be turned to try and prove himself to the opposite sex that he is still acceptable.
So to you parents of these precious victims, we understand your plight. Weall would like to think of pedophiles as some stranger driving a dark- colored van, luring children unto himself with candy and such. But manytimes, he is the guy you would never suspect, and unfortunately, in your case, he was.
To anyone who still may not believe them: Why in God’s name would anyone fabricate this type of story? And why so many? Why expose oneself to such public ridicule and humiliation? This is not some type of “club” that young men are eager to sign up for! You owe them an apology! And, if not, then I hope and pray for your child’s sake that this tragedy never visits your family with all its fury and devastation.
To those who have yet to come forward: Now is the time! It may prove to be one of the most painful but healing experiences you may ever endure. But you don’t have to live with this anylonger. You may say that “it never really bothered me that much.”Nonsense! It has, and whether it has or hasn’t really isn’t the issue. Whatis important is that you recognize that a crime was committed against you and your future. The statistics show that pedophiles have multiplevictims during their “career.” Those who have gone before you have finallyput an end to this one man’s destruction.
So I pray for your courage to come forward for your own relief. You cannotpossibly do any more harm to this man than what he has already done unto himself. You do not have to protect him from any further punishment. Youowe it to yourselves and to the rest of those who have gone before you.
The path has been cleared, you are not alone anymore.
The same Jesus that promised to forgive all sins also spoke of the consequences of offending a child. “…whoever welcomes a child welcomesme. However, it would be better for anyone who causes one of these littleones who believes in me to stumble, that a millstone were hung around his neck and he be cast into the depths of the sea! What terrible thing will come upon the world through scandals. It is inevitable that scandals willcome, but woe unto him by whom these scandals come!” Matthew 18.
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