Straight Talk From Straight Kids
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 15, 1999
MONIQUE MICHEL / L’Observateur / September 15, 1999
A few weeks ago I attended a youth rally where an awesome illustration was shared. I would like to share that story with you now. It goes:One day a young man was driving recklessly and ran his car off of a cliff. Bysome miracle, his car got stuck on a branch protruding from the side of this cliff. He hung there gripped with fear, as he knew that in a few seconds his carwould tip over and he would surely die. Just as the car was about to cascadedown, he felt a hand on his shirt grabbing him out of the car. The second that hewas rescued was the same second that the car went over. This young man wasovercome with emotion as he thanked his rescuer. He wanted to know what hecould do for the person who had just saved his life. The older man told the boythat he needed no payment for the rescue, but to just go on and live a good and holy life.
As months went by, this young man started robbing banks and holding up places and found himself in court. He sat nervously as he waited for his case to bebrought up. He was afraid that his fate would not be good. As he entered thecourtroom, he was suddenly excited as he recognized the judge as the man who had saved his life. He felt sure that since he knew this man, he would get offeasy. As he approached the bench, the judge looked over his case.”I see that you’ve been in a lot of trouble young man,” the judge said.
“Yes sir, but I am very sorry for what I’ve done and I promise that it won’t happen again,” the young man replied, sure that he had persuaded the judge.
Without any hesitation, the judge hammered the gavel and sentenced him to 10 years, the maximum sentence. The young man begged for mercy.”I know you. I thought that you cared about my life. You saved me that day,remember? You can’t do this.” With a solemn face the judge replied, “That day I was your savior, but today I am your judge.”The moral of the story is simple. Jesus is here today to rescue us and to save usfrom our sin and misery. Consequently, one day He will judge our everyunrepented action, thought, and word. I know that when that day comes I want tobe able to enter the throne room of God with my head high knowing that I made the best use out of the time that He gave me here on earth. I challenge each oneof you to think about what that day will be like for you. I also challenge you tocall unto God now, while He is your Savior.
If you have any questions or comments, please write to me at or P.O. Box 1493, LaPlace, La. 70069.
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