Get High on Life
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 31, 1999
HAROLD KELLER / L’Observateur / July 31, 1999
For the past four years, a group of men gather at McDonald’s on Airline Highway for a Bible study at 6:15 a.m. I’ve been privileged to be a part ofthat group. Our primary purpose is to become real men of God. (We stillhave a long way to go.) We discuss many things – our roles as fathers,husbands, employers, employees, and community leaders. We also talkabout love, resentments, joy, and friendship, just to mention a few.
During the four years, more than 100 men have attended. A couple ofweeks ago, 15 men were in attendance. These meetings have helped memore than anything in which I’ve ever participated. Besides getting a lotfrom the group, we get a chance to meet many different people, customers and employees.
I am impressed with the friendship of two McDonald’s employees – Ruby Holmes and Betty Harrell. Ruby, a young black lady, is one of the managers.Ms. Betty is white and much older than Ruby. I often see them together inthe community. Last year, they attended the state championship game inthe Superdome between River-side and West St. John – Ms. Betty sitting onthe West St. John side, pulling for the Rams because of her best friend,Ruby.
My wife and I have had the pleasure of their company at lunch on a couple of occasions. Whenever we get together, Don Melancon’s (the owner ofMcDonald’s) name always comes up. They both love their boss and raveabout his fairness with all the employees. I don’t think anyone can ever beso honored than to have people, especially employees, say that they are real and always fair. Maybe that’s why God has blessed Don and his wife,Cindy, so much. (The McDonald’s Airline location is one of the leadingMcDonald’s, not only in the state, but also the region.)Last Saturday night, Jeanne and I were invited to a surprise party for Ms.
Betty’s 70th birthday. You guessed it. Her adopted daughter, Ruby, did allthe planning. As a rule, I have a standing engagement at a treatment centerevery Saturday, which I’ve had for the past five and a half years. But lastweek, I was able to change the meeting to Sunday night. Ms. Betty’s partywas important to us, not only for her, but also for Ruby.
The party was held at the home of Ron and Tina Rothermel. They were verygracious hosts. Ron is also a manager at McDonald’s. Don and CindyMelancon were there, along with many employees, customers, friends and family of Ms. Betty.It was a blessing being there. The food was good, the company was great,but the blessing came when I saw Ruby seating Ms. Betty and directing theopening of the gifts. It was touching.We all talk about friends and friendships, but I don’t know if many of us will enjoy a relationship like my two special friends, Ruby and Ms. Betty.It is, indeed, a friendship made in heaven.
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