Sports Briefs
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 24, 1999
L’Observateur / March 24, 1999
Coaches, players, fans and parents: L’Observateur wants schedules, scores or any story ideas about sports and outdoor activities in the River Parishes. Contact Michael Kiral, staff writer, at 652-9545, drop by 116Newspaper Drive, or mail to P.O. Box 1010, LaPlace, LA 70069-1010. All baseball, softball, track and field, golf and tennis coaches, please send your schedules and rosters to L’Observateur, Sports, P.O. Box1010, LaPlace, LA 70069-1010 or fax to (504) 652-3885.
L’Observateur is looking for those interested in writing a column on fishing, hunting and other outdoors activity. If interested, contact MichaelKiral at 652-9545.
WCKW-1010 AM will broadcast River Parishes Sports Talk live from the Pizza Factory in Gramercy every Thursday night from 6:15-7 p.m. The St. Charles Catholic Athletic Association is holding a monthly$1,000 raffle. Only 100 tickets will be sold each month at a cost of $20per ticket. Drawings are to be held on the 28th of each month. For ticket information call coach Don Fernandez at St. Charles Catholic at652-3029.
NOAH BOOSTERS is holding baseball and softball registration and tryouts for boys and girls ages 13-18 Saturday at the playground from 9-11 a.m.Registration will also continue for all other age groups. Call Dennis at651-9002 for more information.
St. Charles Catholic is holding its annual field day Sunday at theschool.
Mass begins at 9:15 a.m.; competition follows at 10 a.m. Events include thebroad jump, hard ball throw, 50-yard dash, 75-yard dash, obstacle course, soccer kick, sack race and peanut race for grades K-4; and the long jump, softball throw, pull-ups, soccer kick, 100-yard dash, obstacle course, football accuracy and 25-yard hop for grades 5-6.
The registration fee is $2. T-shirts are available for $8 (deadline for T-shirts is March 22. Entry forms are available at St. Charles Catholic or atany of its feeder schools. Participants may also register the day of theevent.
St. Charles Catholic will be hosting a 3 on 3 basketball and volleyballtournament for 7th and 8th graders in the Comet Gym Sunday.
The tournament will feature a boys and girls division. Teams may have asmany as five on their roster and players do not have to be from the same school. Entry for each participant is $2. Mass begins at 9:15 a.m., the tournament begins at 10 a.m. All teamsshould report no later than 9:45 a.m. Entry forms with fees should bereturned to SCC no later than March 24. Parents must sign to givepermission for the students to play.
Boys teams will play basketball before lunch and volleyball following lunch. Girls teams will play volleyball before lunch and basketball afterlunch. Entry forms are available at St. Charles Catholic or at any of itsfeeder schools. Participants may also register the day of the event. The St. James Boat Club is hosting its 32nd Choupique Rodeo Festival,a fresh water fishing rodeo, April 9-11.
Activities at the festival include bands playing each night; a “Bass for Cash” tournament Saturday morning; horseshoe tournament; Miss Choupique contest; boat and Rvs show; airboat ride; craft booth; games; airbrush T-shirts; train ride; and food and drinks.
The Choupique Rodeo only requires a $1 registration fee to enter fish in the contest but that entry fee gives a raffle chance for the first-place prize of $1,000 and second-place prize of a 14-foot aluminum flatboat, three horsepower Suzuki Outboard motor and trailer. Mike Rabalais ofCajun Quest will MC the awards presentation and the Miss Choupique contest.
Ascension of Our Lord is holding baseball registration April 11 and 18 from 12:30-3 p.m. at the school.Registration will be held for T-ball (boys and girls) 4-6-years old; baseball (boys) from 7-13 years-old; softball (girls) 10-13 years-old; and cabbage ball (girls) 7-13 years-old. For more information, call sportsdirector Mike Abbate at 652-5041.
The Chrysler Junior Golf Scholarship Program will award 40 $1,000 educational scholarships to America’s most deserving junior golfers.
Anyone 12-18 who plans to attend college can apply.
For information or to request an application contact: Chrysler Junior Golf Scholarship Program Headquarters, 640 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10019, phone 1-800-856-0764 or e-mail Contributions to the Ray Laiche Memorial Fund Scholarship can be made at the Bank of LaPlace.
Call 652-2200 for information.
Special Olympics Louisiana’s new “Share the Victory” motor vehicle recycling program allows anyone in Orleans, Jefferson, St.
Bernard, St. Tammany and St. Charles parishes to turn extra or unwantedvehicles into “something special for Special Olympics.”An individual can call the “Share the Victory” toll-free number and Special Olympics will arrange to tow away their motor vehicle for free.
The vehicle will be recycled into the funds needed to support the year- round program of sports training and athletic competition for mentally- retarded children and adults in Louisiana.
Vehicles can be in any condition to qualify as long as the owner has the title. Consumers may also be able to take advantage of a tax deduction asthe fair market price of the vehicle is considered a tax deductible donation to Special Olympics.
For more information or to donate your used motor vehicle call Share the Victory at 1-800-249-1192.
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