Labat, parish council snarl over recreation expenses
Published 12:00 am Monday, February 15, 1999
By LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / Febuary 15, 1999
LAPLACE – St. John Parish President Arnold Labat tangled Tuesday withparish councilmen over reimbursement for recreation-related expenses.
The discussion climaxed with Labat shouting at Councilman Dale Wolfe, “I’m the president, not you! Why don’t you run for president?” Labat added, “You ought to resign.”It all began when recreation teams participating in tournament play in Plaquemines were ready to head for the tournament Friday afternoon.
Reportedly, at the last minute they learned Labat had not approved the expense of motel rooms for the children, ages 7 and 8, which jeopardized their plans to attend.
Labat explained it wasn’t last minute, that he had turned down the purchase order on Wednesday and Thursday. He added: “I have to live withinour budget. I don’t want to shut down recreation by July again this year.”Coaches contacted council members, and Councilman Duaine Duffy footed the bill himself on his personal credit card, totaling “a few hundred dollars,” according to Duffy.
Labat observed, “If mama don’t want to give ’em what they want, go to papa.”Councilman Perry Bailey moved to reimburse Duffy out of the parish council’s own travel expense budget, a motion approved by all except Councilman Steve Thornton.
The council also approved a parish policy, which states the parish will in the future pick up admission fees only for such tournaments. Wolfe toldLabat the parish council will set the policy and Labat would have to live with that policy.
Labat responded, “If you put the money in the budget, I’ll follow it.” Heimmediately added his outburst directed at Wolfe.
“The only thing I didn’t appreciate, I got the runaround like nobody’s business last Friday,” Wolfe commented.
Nevertheless, as Labat left the meeting early, he and Wolfe were laughing and joking together.
In other activity, Lionel Washington, who was appointed parish recreation director a few weeks ago, said his farewells to parish officials after accepting a coaching job with the Green Bay Packers.
“Football is my background; football is what I’ve been doing for the past 20 years,” he said.
Washington expressed his gratitude for the parish officials’ support and understanding. He also commented as to his predecessor, Louis Lipps:”Louis is a good person, and all you hear are bad things about him. He didthe job he was capable of doing.”Councilman Perry Bailey called Washington “a gentleman with class” and called it “a sad day for St. John Parish.”Labat added, “We should be extremely happy and proud of him,” and said he would propose a new recreation director as soon as he’s had time to reflect on possible candidates.
Wolfe said he wants to make sure Washington would be paid for his few days as recreation director and commented, “That pay will buy him one of those cheesehead hats.”
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