Tregre urges voters to OK all three tax proposals
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 22, 1998
By Leonard Gray / L’Observateur / April 22, 1998
HAHNVILLE – Voters in St. Charles Parish will decide on tax propositionsMay 2, one of which has raised eyebrows from business leaders.
Three propositions are on the ballot. One is to levy a 10-year, 1.97 millsproperty tax for the parish parks and recreation program. The second is tolevy a 1-mill property tax for the recreation program, provided that in any year the tax is levied the parish would not collect more than 1.13 mills ofthe 2.16 authorized for the mosquito control program. The third ballotitem is for a .98-mill for the elderly citizens program.The first and third items are renewals, with no changes in the amounts.
The second is a new tax.
The second item drew criticism from the St. Charles Business Associationand the Economic Development Commission of St. Charles Parish, eachtaking votes not to support it.
“I haven’t heard a word they would publicly oppose it,” St. Charles ParishPresident Chris Tregre said Monday. “The concerns I’ve heard is that theywant a formal statement of priorities. I was told by the EDC they couldlive with the priorities, but they don’t know if they are the same as the parish priorities.”He added, however, his intent is to provide a more secure funding source for parish recreation programs.
“The funding source is good right now, but it may not always be there,” he commented. “We all know who suffers if that program suffers.”Besides two tax propositions for the St. Charles Parish recreationprogram, the May 2 ballot includes a tax renewal proposition to support the parish’s senior citizen program.
This is a 10-year, .98-mill tax for operation and maintenance of programsto benefit senior citizens, the program under the administration of the St.
Charles Council on Aging.
The tax, slightly under one mill, is a renewal with no increase in the rate.
Income from this tax is normally $557,000, according to information provided by the parish finance department.
Tregre added the outlook for all three propositions is looking good. “I’mlooking and hoping the May 2 election goes well.”
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